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L'Erbolario Smoothing All-Purpose Body Oil Purple Rose 125 ml

with the oily extract of gallic Rose and Oat oil

Verfügbarkeit: Auf Lager UPS Lieferung 4 Tage

22,50 €

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with the oily extract of gallic Rose and Oat oil


More than just magnetic colours. The gallic Rose hides little details, like the wrinkled movement of its petals, which are poetry to the eyes. In the same way this All-Purpose Body Oil surprises the senses in numerous ways. In contact with droplets of water its oily texture turns into a delicate super smoothing emulsion.

No silicones, parabens and petrolatum

98% of natural origin ingredients

The remaining percentage of ingredients guarantees product stability and appeal.

Fragrances: floral, rose


Thanks to its innovative formula this Smoothing All-Purpose Body Oil can be massaged onto dry or damp skin after showering or bathing.

Functional substances

The oily extract of gallic Rose, Oat oil, organic Sunflower oil, liquid fraction of Shea butter, unsaponifiable fraction of Olive oil, vitamin E from Soybeans.

Marke L'Erbolario
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