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Erbamea Ananas Cell Fluido Concetrato Confezione da 15 bustine monodose da 20 ml

Erbamea has formulated the Ananas Cell line of food supplements using the excellent virtues of the pineapple fruit and focusing especially on the specific qualities of the dry extract of Centella, useful for counteracting the imperfections of cellulite.

Disponibilità: Consegna UPS 4 giorni

Prezzo di listino: 18,50 €

Prezzo scontato 13,88 €

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Descrizione prodotto

More natural efficacy. Less space for cellulite skin blemishes.

A very widespread problem and there is no woman who does not want to discover the most targeted tactic to see the imperfections of cellulite disappear, when the skin of the thighs, hips, buttocks and sometimes arms takes on a dimpled appearance, losing homogeneity and compactness.
There are many factors that determine the appearance of "orange peel" skin.
The tendency to accumulate fat and the age-related loss of tone of tissues are important elements, to which can be added the lack of choice of a healthy lifestyle and a varied and balanced diet.
Excessive sedentariness, smoking, maintaining the wrong positions of the body during study or work and the habit of wearing too tight clothes or uncomfortable shoes can in fact contribute to creating a favorable terrain for the onset of this problem.

Pineapple Cell Line.

Erbamea has formulated the Ananas Cell line of food supplements using the excellent virtues of the pineapple fruit and focusing especially on the specific qualities of the dry extract of Centella, useful for counteracting the imperfections of cellulite.
The formulations are completed by a pool of ingredients rich in active ingredients, such as Blueberry berry extract, which favors the physiological functionality of the microcirculation, giving relief even to heavy legs, together with Green Tea, Black Currant, Birch, Spirea, Dandelion, Goldenrod and Karkadи, which work to carry out a draining action of body fluids and grape seeds rich in proanthocyanidins (OPC).
In addition, this specialty line is also the ideal complement to cosmetic treatments.

Contains: concentrated pineapple and banana juices, fructose, dry extracts of: pineapple stem, Centella leaves, grape seeds, blueberry berries and goldenrod top. Preservative: potassium sorbate.
How to use the 250 ml bottle: take 20 ml of concentrated fluid diluted in a glass of water between meals. Or dilute 20ml of concentrated fluid in a half-liter bottle of water and drink throughout the day. Use the special measuring cup present in the package.
How to use the single-dose sachet (20 ml): take 1 sachet per day, diluted in a glass of water between meals, or diluted in half a liter of water to drink during the day.

Characterizing ingredients
Average values ​​for recommended daily dose of 20 ml or 1 sachet
Concentrated pineapple juice
10.4 g
Pineapple stem extr. dry (enzymatic activity expressed as Bromelain 250 GDU / g)
enzymatic activity such as Bromelain
150 mg
37.5 GDU
Centella leaves extr. dry (titrated at 20% in triterpene derivatives expressed as asiaticoside)
intake of triterpene derivatives
150 mg
30 mg
Grape seeds extr. dry (95% titrated in proanthocyanidins-OPC)
intake of proanthocyanidins (OPC)
50 mg
47.5 mg
Gold rod summit extr. dry
30 mg
Blueberry berries extr. dry (titrated to 15% in total anthocyanosides expressed as anthocyanidins)
supply of anthocyanosides
10 mg
1.5 mg

Ulteriori informazioni
Ulteriori informazioni
Marca Erbamea
Genere Unisex
Stagione Quattro stagioni
Utilizzo Giorno/Notte
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La tua recensione: Erbamea Ananas Cell Fluido Concetrato Confezione da 15 bustine monodose da 20 ml

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